In looking at the "cemetery" news items on my screen it seems that there are some cemetery tour opportunities cropping up this summer. We at Night~Doings hope that more towns follow suit and offer tours of their local cemeteries as a way to educate people about their local history... What better way to make friends and build a sense of community is there than a stroll through the cemetery? Unfortunately none of these are in our neck of the woods, but they might be in yours.
•Hallowed Ground: A Lantern Tour of Stones River National Cemetery
News Blurb Here
When: June 9, June 30, July 14, July 28, Aug. 11 and Aug. 25
Time: 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Reservations are required and must be made by calling (615) 893-9501 starting on Monday preceding the program date. Reservations will not be taken in the Visitor Center or by e-mail. There is a limit of six tickets per caller, and reservations are not transferable to another program date.
Stones River National Battlefield is located at 3501 Old Nashville
Highway, Murfreesboro, TN.
•Oakwood Cemetery Walk - Rochester, MN
News Blurb Here
June 16th - The first tour begins at 1 p.m., the last one at 4 p.m.
Visitors are guided from site to site to spend a few minutes with
characters from Rochester's history, such as: Fred Colvin, a local
farmer and Olmsted County commissioner, and his wife, Alice; Amelia Kruesel, lifelong resident of Rochester who died at age 109; and Roy Watson Sr., former president and general manager of the Kahler Corp.
Oakwood Cemetery is at 41 Seventh Ave. N.E.
For more information, call the history center at 282-9447.
•The McConnell Area Historical Society presents the
Salem/Shippee Cemetery Walk from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, June 10. [In Illinois, me thinks.]
News Blurb Here
Local people acquire the persona of a person of historic note to the area and tell you their story from the actual grave site. Interest and historic value (see Leamon's horse drawn hearse) and insight into our forefathers makes this event one worth witnessing.
More information is available by calling President Terry Price at (815) 275-2709 or Secretary Robin Pardus at (815) 868-2425.